I cannot believe that my baby is already 2 weeks old (tomorrow)! The days have gone by so fast and he is changing so much everyday.
We went to the doctor for Kael's 2 week check up today. I have been so worried that he has not been getting enough to eat or that I am doing something wrong... letting him sleep too much or he is not getting enough sleep??? Is he gaining the appropriate amount of weight??? There are just so many questions and not enough answers. I have had a hard time breast feeding and so I have been pumping and feeding him with a bottle, I don't think we were getting the right latch and that made it VERY painful for me and frustrating for the both of us. I have felt like a failure for having to feed him with a bottle. I was trying to figure out why he and I are having such a hard time and the other day while I was just sitting here staring at him I noticed that he can't stick his tongue out hardly at all, I did a little bit of research and found that it is called being "tongue tied". I talked to Kevin about it, he simply said, very matter of factly, "Megan, he just doesn't know how to use it yet." Well that answer was not good enough for me! I asked the doc today to take a look at Kael's tongue to see what he thought, I was definitely right, the poor little guy is tongue tied, I have to make an appointment with a Pediatric ENT to get his poor little mouth clipped. The pediatrician said that after that is taken care of we should have a better/easier time with the breast feeding. He also said that I should not feel bad about having to give Kael a bottle, he said that it is great that I am still giving him breast milk and that he will need to get used to a bottle sooner or later so it is good that he is adjusting to the bottle so well.
As far as stats go, Kael now weighs 7 pounds 6 ounces! I was so excited/relieved to know that he has gained some weight and that he is getting enough to eat. He is in the 50th percentile on weight and the 25th percentile on height.
All in all it was a good visit, except for the fact that they had to do the PKU test which poor little Kael did not like one bit. I felt so bad for having to hold him while the nurse stuck his heel and took the blood, he was not too happy with me after that.